

 Live pain-free, release anxiety, & move better in just 7 minutes over 7 days — using only the power of your breath

You may think you’ve tried it all, but have you ever re-evaluated your foundation? 

Odds are, your breath is shallow, rapid, and doesn’t support you during all the exercise you’re doing, leading to chronic pain and stress. That’s why we’re building you back up better than ever. No crazy moves. No huge time commitment. Just you and your lungs, the way it’s been from the beginning of time, releasing your pain from the inside out.

I’m Dr. Greg Chaplin,

(A bunch of letters that tell you I'm super qualified, knowledgeable and all that good stuff)

I’ve helped thousands of people like you move past chronic pain into a life of enjoying all the things that matter most

“On the first day, I experienced a rare moment of inner peace. 

Breathwork Breakthrough unlocked a 'portal to the present' which has has been invaluable to my productivity and mental state as someone who often tries to “do it all”. When stress manifests itself in bodily tension, I now have the tools to breath, relax, and focus on what truly matters.”



I’ve been in your position and it took me years to find freedom & relief. That’s why I’m helping you get there faster and better.

I’ve spent the last 6+ years helping people move and feel their best with a combination of posture, exercise, and breathwork.  I know what it’s like to find yet another fitness “savior” promising to change your life if only you follow their philosophy or special protocol. And I know what it’s like to be let down time and time again. That’s why I’m committed to taking my knowledge and expertise from 12+ years of working 1:1 with clients and patients, and telling it to you straight. 

Together, we will help you rebuild your most natural state of ease and wellbeing from the ground up, by empowering you with the tools and knowledge to take charge of your own body.

 I offer a 30 day money-back guarantee no questions asked, that's how condifdent I am that this breathwork will lead to a breakthrough...

Start working with your body, not against it — beginning with the breath

Ease your chronic pain

Breathwork Breakthrough is a sigh of relief (we don’t shy away from puns ‘round here). In a world of responsibilities and obligations, this is a small amount of time you carve out for yourself to tune out the noise, pain and anxiety, and tune into your body’s own ability to live at a pain-free frequency.

Get more out of your movement

Breathwork Breakthrough is a sigh of relief (we don’t shy away from puns ‘round here). In a world of responsibilities and obligations, this is a small amount of time you carve out for yourself to tune out the noise, pain and anxiety, and tune into your body’s own ability to live at a pain-free frequency.

Actually enjoy your wellness routine

It’s time to stop dreading taking care of yourself and start enjoying it instead. Whether you’re a busy professional, a parent with their hands full, or just someone who wants to use their time effectively and enjoyable, these tools will slot right into your life in just 7 minutes a day, whenever and wherever you like.

Replace “helpless” with “hopeful”

Your days of trying everything and feeling like nothing works, wondering if you’re the problem (you’re not) are over. Take matters into your own hands and remember what it feels like to believe that life could be better, free of pain and anxiety.

"I felt immediately calm, the pain went away.

“I felt my body immediately calm after the first session. This was after a stressful anxious work day when my pain level had been rising. After doing the breathwork, a sense of balance eased into my body. The pain went away.”

Tish G.
Occupational Therpaist

So how does this "breathwork" thing work, anyway?

Your respiratory system heavily influences your nervous system, which shapes your entire experience of life – everything you feel, physically and emotionally, is a signal carried by your nervous system. The techniques included in Breathwork Breakthrough use the interconnected nature of our bodies to improve the function of your nervous and musculoskeletal systems using the power of the breath.

Through Breathwork Breathrough we will:

Improve the functioning of your nervous system by switching off neural pathways that are associated with pain and anxiety


Rebuild new neural pathways that are associated with emotional, physical, and cognitive well-being rather than stress.




Leverage mechanical support between the abdominals and diaphragm to improve bracing during exercise, making it easier to  to leverage the power of your largest muscles for improved efficiency and strength.

Maybe you’ve already dipped your toe into breathwork, but can’t find your footing – I’m here to help.

You know that breathing is an important part of feeling and moving better, but you don’t know

where to start or how to integrate it

You’ve been trying to use breathwork to improve anxiety, pain, or movement but don’t know what techniques to choose

You’re looking for the “correct way to breathe” but having trouble getting consistent results

New techniques can be confusing, especially with no one to guide you and point you in the right direction. If this sounds like you, I’ve been there, and I’m here to take you past all the guesswork and straight to what works!

You’ve tried some popular breathwork techniques but have found they might increase anxiety or make you tired instead of productive and anxiety-free

 You feel like the breathwork techniques you’ve encountered are overwhelming and unsustainable, or hard to understand

You don’t understand how the mechanics of the breath change with different techniques

It’s impossible to live pain-free when the rehab work is stressful...

A painstakingly long and difficult wellness routine is the opposite of wellbeing, if you ask me. The whole point of taking care of our minds and bodies is to be able to enjoy our lives, not turn ourselves into an exhausting improvement project.

Does this vicious cycle sound familiar?

Chronic Pain distracts you and gets in the way of enjoying your favorite activities


Complicated, time-consuming exercises supposedly should help but they don’t even feel like they’re really working


Guilt and shame sets in when you don’t do those exercises because the day was soooo long and it feels like yet another chore


You feel like giving up since you’ve ruined your progress now anyway


You spiral further into pain and anxiety because you just can’t find a solution that sticks and is effective


You try the next “quick-fix” that comes your way and beginning the cycle all over again with no long term success...


Say goodbye to chronic pain and take matters into your own hands, once and for all

With Breathwork Breakthrough, you will:

Make chronic pain a thing of the past and enjoy freedom of movement

Look forward to your short & sweet breathwork routine 

Feel refreshed and reinvigorated instantly while also reaping long-term rewards

Build a toolkit that's always available with whatever time you have and zero equipment.

Feel good about yourself for your consistent work to take care of your body

Stick to your routine with easy-to-do, “stupid-simple”practices for wellbeing 

Reap exponentially big rewards as you hone your breathwork skills

Look back and wonder why you didn’t start sooner! 

If this is so life-changing,
why haven’t I heard of it before?

Why is it that 95% or more of physical therapists, doctors, and personal trainers don't even mention Breathwork? It should be obvious, right? What’s the one thing we do 24/7, 7 days a week, 365 days a year, whether we’re asleep, awake, dreaming, dancing, eating, playing, working, or all of the above?

Breathing — yet no one ever taught us how to do it properly. Most people don’t have a basic understanding of how they breathe... much less an understanding of how it's impacting their movement and mental state. 

You take 22,000 breaths per day, so it should be no surprise that how you take those breaths is pretty important! And what if the way you have been breathing could be the root cause of many of your ailments and anxiety? What if breathwork is the missing link? (Spoiler: it is)

Breaking the patterns of anxiety, tension, and pain is only a few essential breathwork techniques away.  These techniques literally help you rewire your brain through a process known as neuroplasticity. That's right, breathwork helps you to change the physical structure of your brain! 

It helps you take existing pathways of pain, tension, and anxiety... And turn them into pathways associated with comfort, ease, and inner peace.

This inexpensive mini-course encompasses the 7 most Essential Breathwork Techniques that I teach one-on-one for a short 7 minutes over 7 days journey.

Do one 7-10 minute video per day for the next week and I guarantee you will have a Breathwork Breakthrough that will help you optimize your movement & performance!

There's a new you itching to meet the world. The real you, free from chronic pain. Are you ready to meet them?

Breathwork Breakthrough is unlike anything you’ve tried before – in the best way

Other programs and modalities promise misleading quick fixes, or are complicated and time-consuming while paying no attention to building a solid foundation.

Around here, we're all about providing you long-term tools to help yourself, and we're 100% transparent that you get what you put in -- there is no magic formula, just you, me, your breath, and 7 days of commitent.


Led by your trusted guide, Dr. Greg Chaplin, PT, DPT, CSCS

Back in 2009, life was good.
I graduated high school a year early to attend 

Berklee College of Music on a full scholarship. 

The world seemed like my oyster, until one night, sudden left arm 

weakness, dizziness, and panic set in on a gig. This started a 

cascade of symptoms that would become chronic, stumping doctors and changing 

the trajectory of my life

After two years without any improvement, I became a personal trainer to start to put the pieces of the puzzle together. And when that wasn't enough, I went back to earn my Doctorate in Physical Therapy

By 2018, I had officially earned the title Dr. Greg Chaplin, PT, DPT, CSCS. And while I was helping other people heal their bodies so they could move and feel their best, I was still struggling. 

It was at this point that I dove deep into the neuroscience of posture, breathing, restorative movement, and more. Over the next 5 years, I refined these tools to transform my life and the lives of my clients.

And it is my honor to be able to say that I am completely pain-free, and I want nothing more than to share these tools with you... Because I believe that you shouldn't have to delay feeling better for one more day!

Shouldn’t I just see someone in person,
like a physiotherapist or something?

Short answer: no.

I am a physiotherapist. If I wanted to, I could confidently offer a physio course to treat your chronic pain (and tbh, it would probably sell way easier, since everyone already knows what physio is and “believes” in it). 

But my 12+ years of experience have shown me that before any physio, exercises, and movement, we need to return to your foundation. You can only get the most out of your movement practice if you’re building on solid ground, and that ground is the breath.

Everyone has just 7 minutes to spare (and it might make all the difference)

Hesitant to commit to another endeavor that you’re afraid you won’t see through due to life’s other demands? 

Breathwork Breakthrough requires only 7 minutes of your time, every day for a week. That’s setting your alarm at 7:23 instead of 7:30... or a better way to spend the time it takes your pasta to boil. Whoever you are, no matter how busy, Breathwork Breakthrough slots into your schedule.

Besides, what's 7 minutes compared with a lifetime of more and more pain, limitation, and frustration?

It's really this simple.

7 days. 7-10 minutes of breathwork.

Instant acess.

7 easy-to-follow videos, one for each day of your 7 day breakthrough

Beyond The Basics Bonus Module (valued at $67!)

Breathing for Movement Optimization Bonus Module (valued at $97!)

Day 1: A Portal to the Present — Observational Breathing

  • The sneaky trick to regulate your nervous system without formal meditation 
  • The counterintuitive method of letting go of tension and stress 
  • The single biggest mistake that breathwork newbies make and how to avoid it 

Day 2: What is “Normal Breathing''? — Breathing at Rest

  • The truth about deep breaths and why most people get it wrong 
  • The single most important factor in determining what breathing technique you should use 
  • How to improve breathing at rest without creating excess tension  

Day 3: Changing States and Improving Awareness — Square Breathing

  • The single most essential ingredient to move past anxiety and pain 
  • How to shift awareness so you can get out of your own way and tap into your natural healing ability
  • How to hack your physiology to regulate emotions, thoughts, and body tension 

Day 4: The Breath-work Spectrum — Resonant Frequency Breathing

  • The individualized breathing technique to bring your body into stress-free balance 
  • What breathwork “experts” don’t want you to know about why popular techniques might not work for you 
  • How a few seconds can be the difference between stress and relaxation 

Day 5: Pressures and Volumes — Opposition vs. Belly Breathing

  • The simple method of stabilizing your core without excessive effort or tension 
  • Why most abdominal exercises are completely ineffective without an understanding of the breath 
  • The single most effective hack to improve mobility without fancy exercises 

Day 6: The Tale of Two Strategies — Choosing Your Exhale

  • How to choose your best exhale strategy and why it matters 
  • The secret 99% of physical therapists don’t know about how body shape influences your diaphragm 
  • The single most effective way to get the most movement out of your diaphragm and rib cage with breathwork 

Day 7: The Tale of Two Sides — Managing Asymmetry

  • The easiest way to begin to understand asymmetry in your body 
  • A simple beginner restorative exercise framework you can use to improve movement efficiency without even having to leave your chair 
  • -The truth about symmetry in your body and the secret role of your diaphragm 

BONUS 1: Beyond The Basics

Exclusive in-depth presentation to help you reinforce key concepts and get clarity on all the mechanisms that can help you move and feel better with Breathwork. 

When I combined just a few of these concepts into my training, it was like unlocking a portal to peak performance. 

BONUS 2: Breathing for Movement Optimization

As you’ll learn in this challenge, it’s not about choosing one technique over another, but rather knowing what to use at what time. 

In this module, you’ll learn 3 of the most common techniques for breathing at rest, during resistance exercise, and for movement restoration. 

I know, I'm promising a lot of value and you're wondering if it's too good to be true

It's not, but to make you feel 100% reassured, I'm offering a 30-Day Unconditional Money Back Guarantee. That's how confident I am that this breathwork will lead to a breakthrough.

Behold your breakthrough, once and for all.

You deserve your “aha” moment. Your “This is what I’ve been waiting for!” sigh of relief. Then the lifetime of thanking your lucky stars you committed to just 7 minutes for 7 days, that would improve the next 70 years of your life. Don’t delay the revelation – get started now.


Still have questions?

It seems too simple to work. Will this really help me? 

So many of us believe that complex problems like chronic pain and anxiety require complex solutions. But by getting hyper-specific too early, you can overwhelm the nervous system and get in your own way. The first step in healing is learning to reconnect with your body, and there is no better way than the breath. Remember, simple does not mean random or ineffective. In this case, simple means very powerful indeed, with no noise or confusion getting in the way.  

I'm bad at meditating. Can I still benefit from the training? 

I've been meditating for years now and I'll let you in on a secret... I was pretty "bad at meditating" when I first started. (The reason I say "bad" is because there's really no such thing). Now the great news is that breathwork provides many of the same benefits as meditation without some of the typical confusion.

I've tried breathwork in the past. How is this different? 

Hey listen, I've been there before, trying different techniques and trying to learn the theory. The trouble is that sometimes you go too heavy on the theory and miss out on the practice. And sometimes you practice randomly without understanding why... This training will help you strike that balance and customize your breathwork techniques to suit your individual needs!

 I get anxious when I do breathwork. How do I know this won't make me worse? 

One of the major things you'll learn in this training is how the nervous system responds to different types of breathing techniques. For most people, you'll realize that the anxiety you feel is a consequence of a technique that isn't best suited for your nervous system. Once you learn to make the adjustment, you'll be able to benefit and then eventually progress to those techniques.

Copyright Chaplin Performance © 2023. All rights reserved.